How to Convert GGives to Cash - Is it possible?

Maybe you are here because you want to know if you can convert your GGives to cash. Is it possible to do that? You will learn that in this blog.

What is GCash GGives?

GGives is a loan service provided by GCash. With this service, you enjoy the ease of shopping and making payments both online and in physical stores. The best part is that you don't have to pay the entire amount upfront; instead, you can break down the cost into smaller installments.

Is it Possible to Convert GGives to Cash?

Unfortunately, no. GGives is intended for making purchases, not withdrawing cash. While you can't convert GGives directly to cash, you can still use it for a variety of transactions online and in any GCash partner store.


In conclusion, GGives by GCash is a loan service that allows users to make purchases but pay in installments. However, it’s important to note that GGives cannot be directly converted into cash.

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