Fix DITO SIM Text Not Working: Message sending failed

If you try to send a text message using a DITO SIM card but it was sending failed, what should you do to fix this problem? 

You should ensure that you are using the correct SMS Message Center (SMSC). To set up your DITO SMSC number, just follow the tutorial below. 

STEP 1: Open your Messaging app.

STEP 2: Go to Messages Settings or Advance Settings.

STEP 3: Find and select on SMS Center Number.

STEP 4: Input this DITO SMSC number +639934444401 or +639934444402 then save.

STEP 5: Enjoy sending text messages.

By following these simple tutorial, you should be able to send text messages using your DITO SIM. If you continue to experience problems, consider reaching out to DITO's customer support for further assistance.

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