Can You Use DITO to Call Globe, TM, Smart, TNT, and GOMO?

Many DITO users ask if they can use their SIM cards to call Globe/TM, Smart/TNT, and GOMO subscribers. The answer is absolutely yes!  However, there are a few things you need to check first.

Requirements Before Calling Other Networks

Here are some simple tips to ensure that you can make calls to other networks using your DITO SIM:
  • Device Compatibility:  First things first, make sure your phone is compatible with DITO's LTE/4G network.
  • DITO APN Settings: Ensure that you have set your phone's APN (Access Point Name) settings to DITO's default configuration. This ensures proper connectivity for calls, texts, and the internet.
  • Promo Subscription: Choose a DITO promo that includes calls to other networks. Look for promos like "LEVEL-UP" which often offer this promo.

By following these simple steps, you'll be ready to use your DITO SIM card to call anyone on Globe, TM, Smart, TNT, and GOMO within the Philippines!

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